Tuesday, February 2, 2010

What does it take to live for 100 years?

According to Dan Buettner, people who live for 100 years have the following common traits:

1. None of them exercise. Instead they set up heir lives so that they are constantly busy with physical work - getting up and down, walking, climbing stairs...

2. They set up their life in ways that they can enjoy - they have a garden in front of their houses, go for walks, meet friends...

3. They have a purpose in life, if people know their purpose in life, they live 7 years longer...

4. They put their families first, play with their kids, look after their parents... and grandparents...

5. All of them are involved in a faith based activity, they have solid faith...

6. They surround themselves with the right people - people who are fit, who work hard, pray, moderately drink, enjoy themselves...

Buettner says, "When it comes to longevity, there are no shortcuts." He also adds that "the right genes" plays only 10% role in longevity!